Assistance for Older Workers Now Available

The COVID-19 crisis has left many Australians out of work, some of whom have been in their roles for over a decade. The issue of ageism in the workplace also means older workers are less likely to find another long-lasting job despite having years of experience. Australian job agency BUSY at Work recognizes these difficulties and has created a program called the Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers.

The Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers is a government-funded initiative to help older Australian workers upskill on their current job, or for those left unemployed by the crisis to find new work. Each applicant will have one-on-one time with a careers advisor to develop a personalized plan in order to help them crow with their current employer or transition to a new career.

Eligible participants may access up to $2,200 (GST inclusive) from the Australian Government to fund re-skilling or up-skilling opportunities. Either the participant or their current employer must provide a co-contribution to match the government contribution.

To take part in the Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers initiative, the following criteria applies:

  • Applicants are aged 45 to 70; and
  • Are an Australian citizen or permanent resident; and
  • Are currently employed or recently unemployed (less than 3 continuous months) and not registered for assistance through an Australian Government employment services provider (e.g. jobactive, Disability Employment Services, Community Development Programme).

For more information, you can read either the fact sheet for applicants or employers, or