$2,000 Victorian Government’s Business Costs Assistance Program Grant Applications Closing Soon

A reminder that applications for the Victorian Government’s Business Costs Assistance Program close at 11.59pm on 16 March 2021. Businesses with...

A reminder that applications for the Victorian Government’s Business Costs Assistance Program close at 11.59pm on 16 March 2021. Businesses with an annual payroll of up to $3 million, whether they have employees or not, can receive grants of $2000.   Program Overview The new $92 million Business Costs Assistance Program is part of...

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Retailers support QLD single-use plastics ban

The National Retail Association (NRA) commends the Queensland Government for passing legislation yesterday to ban single-use plastics in Queensland,...

The National Retail Association (NRA) commends the Queensland Government for passing legislation yesterday to ban single-use plastics in Queensland, starting with straws, stirrers, cutlery and plates, as well as expanded polystyrene foodware. The NRA commends the Palaszczuk Government’s strong track record reducing the impact of plastic waste and protecting our...

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Ban on animal testing in new cosmetic ingredients explained

The National Retail Association, in partnership with the Australian Government, has developed and launched a nationwide education program to...

The National Retail Association, in partnership with the Australian Government, has developed and launched a nationwide education program to increase understanding of the ban on animal testing in new cosmetic ingredients which came into effect July 2020. The NRA's program includes: a dedicated website explaining the ban downloadable factsheets and...

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NRA representing retail in rollout of revolutionary National Location Registry

The National Retail Association (NRA) has continued to provide support for the retail industry by joining the Steering Committee...

The National Retail Association (NRA) has continued to provide support for the retail industry by joining the Steering Committee of the soon-to-be released National Location Registry. The NRA’s presence on this Committee will see the peak industry body working to streamline Australian freight and delivery processes with a new...

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Retailers support Victorian Plastics Policy

The National Retail Association (NRA) commends the Andrews’ Government for its announcement today outlining its plan to introduce a...

The National Retail Association (NRA) commends the Andrews’ Government for its announcement today outlining its plan to introduce a ban on single-use plastic straws, cutlery, stirrers and plates, as well as expanded polystyrene foodware. David Stout, Director of Policy with the National Retail Association said that retailers were supportive of...

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Get ready: 1 week to go for SA Single-Use Plastic Ban

We're one week away from the start of the South Australian Single-Use Plastics Ban. From March 1 2021, single-use plastic...

We're one week away from the start of the South Australian Single-Use Plastics Ban. From March 1 2021, single-use plastic straws, cutlery and stirrers will be prohibited from sale, supply or distribution in South Australia. We emphasize that plant-based or 'bioplastics' plastics, such as PLA, PHA and similar, are included in...

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New trading opportunities for retailers this Adelaide Cup Day

For the first time in South Australian history all shops across suburban Adelaide can open their doors on the...

For the first time in South Australian history all shops across suburban Adelaide can open their doors on the Adelaide Cup public holiday. Visit us!

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Tasmanian Container Refund Scheme model announced

The Tasmanian Government has announced its preferred model for a Container Refund Scheme as part of its commitment to...

The Tasmanian Government has announced its preferred model for a Container Refund Scheme as part of its commitment to having the lowest litter rate in the country by 2023. The Scheme will see a refund of 10 cents for all eligible drink containers returned to a designated Refund Point in...

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Updates on the South Australian single use plastic ban

Retailers should be aware of updates to the South Australian single use plastic ban due to come into effect...

Retailers should be aware of updates to the South Australian single use plastic ban due to come into effect from 1 March 2021. The legislation prohibits or restricts single use plastic straws, cutlery and stirrers being sold, supplied or distributed in South Australia. Compostable (bioplastic) products The legislation includes both fossil-fuel...

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5 tips for retailers to make the most of Lunar New Year

Friday, 12 February 2021 will mark another new year - the Lunar New Year. Also known as the Spring...

Friday, 12 February 2021 will mark another new year - the Lunar New Year. Also known as the Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year marks the beginning of a calendar year that follows the cycles of the moon and is the most important of traditional Chinese holidays. While the absence...

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New report: Packaging consumption and recycling in Australia

APCO has published the next iteration of the ‘Australian packaging consumption and recycling data 2018–19’ report today, tracking progress...

APCO has published the next iteration of the ‘Australian packaging consumption and recycling data 2018–19’ report today, tracking progress towards the 2025 National Packaging Targets. This is the second in a series of annual publications, originally launched last year, mapping the state and fate of packaging in Australia.  The current...

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Sourcing face masks for your team

New face mask rules have come into effect over the past several days, as Queensland, Victoria and New South...

New face mask rules have come into effect over the past several days, as Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales grapple with growing outbreaks of COVID-19.   Face mask rules in Queensland Effective from 11 January to 22 January across Greater Brisbane...

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New state regulations for QR code contract tracing – what retailers need to know

Over the past few weeks, many State Governments have made contact tracing mandatory and introduced enhanced QR Code contact tracing measures to make the process more efficient...

Over the past few weeks, many State Governments have made contact tracing mandatory and introduced enhanced QR Code contact tracing measures to make the process more efficient and help stop the spread of COVID 19.    QR codes operate like barcodes and are read using smartphone cameras. If a patron does not have a smartphone, or chooses not to use a QR code to check-in, businesses must maintain a manual contact register,...

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Health Minister needs to listen to his government colleagues on vaping

Australian retailers have urged the Federal Health Minister to listen to his government colleagues and allow small businesses to...

Australian retailers have urged the Federal Health Minister to listen to his government colleagues and allow small businesses to supply smoke-free alternatives to current consumers of cigarettes and tobacco products. The Chair’s report from the Senate Committee on Tobacco Harm Reduction, released today, sets out a clear and rational case...

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New action on unnecessary plastic packaging  

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has published the APCO Action Plan for Problematic and Unnecessary Single-Use Plastic Packaging, designed to help Australia’s...

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has published the APCO Action Plan for Problematic and Unnecessary Single-Use Plastic Packaging, designed to help Australia’s packaging supply chain phase out problematic and unnecessary single-use plastic packaging through innovative and sustainable solutions.    The action plan will help drive the necessary change at each step of the packaging supply chain...

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Retailers back the Morrison Government’s vital industrial relations reforms

The National Retail Association has welcomed proposed legislation by the Morrison Government to provide greater clarity on casual employment...

The National Retail Association has welcomed proposed legislation by the Morrison Government to provide greater clarity on casual employment laws and prevent job-destroying backpay claims. The Bill to be introduced before Federal Parliament this week seeks to provide greater clarity to both workers and employers regarding pay entitlements while also...

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