SafeCity Network Crime Alert: Counterfeit banknotes on the rise

Retailers have reported a rise in the frequency and quality of counterfeit bank notes. The busy Christmas shopping season...

Retailers have reported a rise in the frequency and quality of counterfeit bank notes. The busy Christmas shopping season is prime time for counterfeit notes to pass through without detection as staff don't have the time to check. Though fake $50 notes remain the most popular, with the release of...

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NEWSFLASH – SA Government seeking urgent input on the single-use plastic legislation

Green Industries SA (GISA) are urgently seeking South Australian business input via a survey designed to benchmark awareness and...

Green Industries SA (GISA) are urgently seeking South Australian business input via a survey designed to benchmark awareness and knowledge of the single-use plastic legislation. South Australian businesses, especially those in food and hospitality, should take notice and contribute their feedback as this legislation will affect your business. Businesses can be...

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Retailers call last straw for single-use plastics

The National Retail Association (NRA) supports the re-introduction of legislation to ban single-use plastic items in Queensland, starting with straws, stirrers,...

The National Retail Association (NRA) supports the re-introduction of legislation to ban single-use plastic items in Queensland, starting with straws, stirrers, cutlery and plates.   The NRA commends the Queensland Government’s strong track record reducing the devastating impact of plastic waste and protecting our environment and marine life.   The NRA is proud to be active...

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16 major Queensland towns facing a four-day grocery drought at Christmas

Queenslanders in 16 major regional centres have been warned to brace for an unprecedented four-day closure, as a result...

Queenslanders in 16 major regional centres have been warned to brace for an unprecedented four-day closure, as a result of the state’s antiquated trading hours laws.  Because of how the gazetted public holidays fall in 2020, major stores in regional areas will be forced to shut their doors at 6pm...

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WA retailers can trade longer for public holidays in 2021

The WA Government has approved four extra hours of trading for general retail shops in metropolitan Perth on each...

The WA Government has approved four extra hours of trading for general retail shops in metropolitan Perth on each of the three public holidays of Labour Day, Easter Monday and the ANZAC Day public holiday next year. The extension to permitted opening times means general retail shops will be able...

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E-commerce businesses pledge to improve product safety online

Today the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) launched the Australian Product Safety Pledge, aiming to protect Australian consumers...

Today the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) launched the Australian Product Safety Pledge, aiming to protect Australian consumers from safety risks when shopping online by strengthening product safety measures across online businesses. NRA advocacy Industry has pushed for online product safety to be on the agenda for regulators for a...

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Government drives demand for recycled materials

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has released a new report Supporting Government Procurement of Recycled Materials aimed at driving...

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has released a new report Supporting Government Procurement of Recycled Materials aimed at driving Australian demand for recycled materials through the sizeable impact of government procurement. The report outlines that: achieving the 2025 National Packaging Targets will require action throughout the packaging value chain, including...

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Grants available to improve Brisbane suburban shopfronts

Brisbane City Council is offering grants for suburban retailers outside Brisbane CBD to improve their shopfronts. The Suburban Shopfront...

Brisbane City Council is offering grants for suburban retailers outside Brisbane CBD to improve their shopfronts. The Suburban Shopfront Improvement Grant Program is designed to drive suburban economic vitality by helping businesses and property owners to upgrade their shopfronts. Grants Grants are available for long-term, street-level improvements to suburban...

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Empty suburban Brisbane shopfronts to be filled

As Brisbane recovers from COVID lockdown the Brisbane City Council is bringing the suburbs back to life by encouraging...

As Brisbane recovers from COVID lockdown the Brisbane City Council is bringing the suburbs back to life by encouraging pop-up use of empty suburban shopfronts. Suburban Shopfront Activation is an innovative pilot program that encourages property owners with vacant premises in Brisbane suburbs to provide temporary use of their spaces...

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Retail pushes for the safety of toys sold online

This World Children’s Day retailers and businesses are doing their part in protecting children by ensuring all toys sold...

This World Children’s Day retailers and businesses are doing their part in protecting children by ensuring all toys sold online are safe for children and removing unsafe toys immediately. The ACCC is co-leading the OECD global awareness campaign on the safety of toys sold online, which aims to help consumers make an...

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Retail applauds Woolworths ground-breaking sustainability targets

Woolworths, one of Australia's most popular supermarket chains, has announced that it will commit to source 100% of its...

Woolworths, one of Australia's most popular supermarket chains, has announced that it will commit to source 100% of its electricity from wind and solar by 2025. Peak retail body, the National Retail Association (NRA), has applauded Woolworths Group for its 2025 Sustainability Plan released yesterday which sets ground-breaking targets encompassing...

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Key guidelines on children’s apparel product safety released

The National Retail Association (NRA) has today released the second revision of the Children’s Apparel Product Safety Guidelines in...

The National Retail Association (NRA) has today released the second revision of the Children’s Apparel Product Safety Guidelines in an effort to improve child safety. The guidelines have been researched and compiled by the National Retail Association Technical Standards Committee group of quality assurance and product compliance specialists. Children’s apparel...

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Retailers outline vaping plan to reduce harm, help smokers and protect kids

The National Retail Association (NRA) has today outlined a fairer and more sensible approach to legalising the sale of...

The National Retail Association (NRA) has today outlined a fairer and more sensible approach to legalising the sale of vaping products, in its submission to the Senate Inquiry on the issue. After previous expressing alarm over the current plan to allow smoke-free to be either purchased on the internet without...

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Know Your Drone safety campaign

Know Your Drone is a national drone safety education campaign by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). Drone retailers, wholesalers...

Know Your Drone is a national drone safety education campaign by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). Drone retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers are encouraged to pledge their support so that customers can be confident that they’re buying a drone from a supplier that takes drone safety seriously. CASA-recognised Drone Safety Advocates...

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South Australian government charging ahead with single use plastics ban commencing 1 March 2021

The South Australian Government has advised the National Retail Association that on 1 March 2021, the Single Use Plastics...

The South Australian Government has advised the National Retail Association that on 1 March 2021, the Single Use Plastics (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 will be implemented after passing Parliament on 9 September 2020. The National Retail Association consistently lobbied on behalf of industry and retailers to ensure 'black out periods' were...

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Retailers welcome vaping admission from health officials

The National Retail Association (NRA) has welcomed an admission by a senior Department of Health official at yesterday’s Senate...

The National Retail Association (NRA) has welcomed an admission by a senior Department of Health official at yesterday’s Senate Estimates Committee confirming that smoke-free nicotine products are safer alternatives than cigarettes. Under questioning from Senator Hollie Hughes, the Deputy Secretary of the Department for Health, Adjunct Professor John Skerritt, said...

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