This month saw the NRA Legal team host a successful HR Leaders Forum in Brisbane on Tuesday 9 May, with further events due to be held in Melbourne and Sydney.

The Forum provided an opportunity for Human Resource and Retail leaders to receive an in-depth update on proposals for upcoming legislative changes, learn about Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act developments, and receive an insight into some of the most recent cases all HR teams should be aware of.

Additionally, the event provided an excellent environment for like-minded individuals to network and establish meaningful connections within the industry.

We hope these will be the first of a series of events aimed at knowledge sharing and networking within the HR community.

This event is proudly supported by NRA Legal and BDO Australia. If you would like to express interest in future HR Leaders Forums, please visit our website.

The National Retail Association is the voice of modern retail, representing more than 60,000 stores across Australia. It has been serving businesses in the retail and fast-food sectors for close to 100 years.

For more information, please contact the NRA media unit atĀĀ or 1800 RETAIL (738 245).