PFAS controls come into effect 1 July 2025

We understand that some businesses may still be experiencing confusion or challenges while preparing for the new PFAS controls due to come into effect 1 July.

To assist, National Retail are facilitating an Industry Information Session with guest speaker Sonia Goldie, Director – Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Section, DCCEEW, on Friday 4 April. Ms Goldie will provide an overview of the standards for PFOA, PFOS and PFHxS, how businesses can assess and prove compliance, and address industry questions.

This is an opportunity for impacted businesses or representative peak bodies to clarify key aspects of the PFAS standard.

All impacted businesses are welcome regardless of sector or membership, and it is free to attend. We encourage peak bodies/associations to attend and to distribute the invite to their members/network.

About the information session

When: Friday 4 April 10am AEDT


PFAS: per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances. 

In December 2023, the Commonwealth scheduled specific sub-sets of PFAS chemicals on Schedule 7 of the IChEMS register, to come into effect from 1 July 2025. The manufacture, import and export, and intentional use of these chemicals (whether on their own, in mixtures or in finished goods) will be prohibited.

PFAS is a persistent chemical and can be found in many items, however the new controls focus on particular sub-sets intentionally added to products or packaging typically for water- or grease-resistant properties. Types of products which could be impacted (but not limited to) include: food contact packaging, non-stick cookware, servingware, appliances, cleaning, textiles, auto products and personal care.

In Australia, responsibility for regulating chemicals is shared between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments, and across portfolios. The Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) administers the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard (IChEMS). The IChEMS establishes nationally consistent standards for managing the import, manufacture, export, use and disposal of industrial chemicals to reduce impacts on the environment.

Guest Speaker

Sonia Goldie
Director – Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Section
Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW)

In 2023, DCCEEW hosted consultation and information sessions explaining the standard, however we understand that some businesses may still be experiencing confusion or challenges while preparing for the new controls.

In this information session, Ms Goldie will provide an overview of the standards for PFOA, PFOS and PFHxS, how businesses can assess and prove compliance, and address industry questions. This session is designed to address common industry questions; highly technical or individual queries will be taken on notice.

Who should attend?

All impacted industry representatives are welcome to attend regardless of membership or sector. The session is free to attend.