Official signage mandatory for sellers to display in-store from 1 September 2024.

We are pleased to announce that the official wording for the mandatory signs to be displayed by sellers has been confirmed.

As you may have been aware, regulations are currently being developed by QLD Police Service, including official wording for signs, however this process can take several weeks. The National Retail Association has received official correspondence from Mark Ryan MP, Queensland Minister for Police and Community Safety, in response to our request to fast-track confirmation of the signage requirements so that businesses have adequate time to prepare and comply. This correspondence confirms and commits to the official signage requirements, so businesses can act with confidence now.

Download official signs now 

National Retail and QPS have created official A4 and A5 signs that comply with the requirements, so businesses can simply download, print and display these signs. You are welcome to make your own and use your own brand, however it must follow specific requirements.

More info and official signage:


Our knife law business support program

The National Retail Association has been officially engaged by the Queensland Police Service to engage and assist businesses to understand and prepare for the new laws.  The National Retail Policy team are delivering a range of support services for businesses, including a tollfree hotline, factsheets and signage, online webinars, and physical visits to thousands of stores in retail centres and precincts across Queensland.

These services are free to members and non-members.

Need help?