Handling Weather Events
A global rise in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events has seen the average cost to the Australian economy reach $18.2 billion dollars per year, according to the Australian business roundtable for disaster resilience and safer communities. Environmental scientists are predicting that these internal events will become more common.
Weather events can seriously impact the ability of retailers to service their customers and safely operate their businesses. Transport links can be severed, preventing stock, staff and customers from accessing the business. Power and communications can also be affected, impacting not only communication but the ability of businesses to process transactions as well as operate equipment. Physical damage to property and stock from extreme weather events can prevent the business from trading.
- What can you do to make sure that your business is ready to handle an extreme weather event?
- Do you have access to warnings that could help you avoid major losses?
- Do you know what sort of help is available to you after an event?
Please see below for links to sites where you can register for alerts for your area and information on how to prepare for such an event. All State and Territory SES websites have tips and advice on preparing for weather events.
Australian Government – Writing an Emergency Management Plan
Qld Government – Disaster Resilience and Recovery
ACT Government – Preparing for Emergencies
Australian Red Cross – Preparing for Emergencies
NT Government – Preparing for Emergencies
Weather Warnings
ABC Radio – ABC Frequency Finder for local and national ABC Radio.
Road Closures/Transport Information
ACT | NSW | NT | Qld – SMS traffic alerts for selected far north and south coast regions – RACQ | SA | Tas | Vic | WA – Perth Traffic
During an event
Links to your State Emergency Services who can help you if an event affects your business
State Emergency Services are located in each state and territory of Australia and are available to assist.
Recovery after an event
Government, various community and charity organisations may help you in the recovery phase. They can help you with information and resources to get your business open as quickly as possible. You may be eligible for funding.
The links below have information to help you get your business going again and information on who may be able to help you.
Australian Government (Business)
Australian Government (Disaster Assist)
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