On 23 February 2017, the Fair Work Commission handed down its draft determination on penalty rates in a number of modern awards. Specifically, changes to the evening and late night work loadings under the Fast Food Industry Award 2010, were due to take effect on the 27 March 2017.
These changes include:
- An evening penalty of 10% must be paid for work performed between 10pm and 12am;
- A late night penalty of 15% must be paid for work performed between 12am and 6am.
The Full Bench has since issued a Statement dealing with, among other things, the operative date of the determination for the late night penalties in the Fast Food Industry Award 2010. It is understood that the proposed changes will now take effect on 1 July 2017.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed changes, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1800 RETAIL (1800 738 245).