Plastic Bottles and Cans Recycling Small | NRA

The WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has updated the website for the Container Deposit Scheme.

The WA Containers for Change scheme begins on Tuesday 2 June 2020. The scheme will allow consumers to take eligible beverage containers to a refund point to receive a refund of 10 cents. The scheme aims to increase recycling rates and reduce litter.

The DWER website update covers regulatory matters such as legislation, the scope of containers covered by the scheme, network standards for coverage, reporting requirements and hours of operation for refund points.

This update also acknowledges the role of Scheme Coordinator WA Return Recycle Renew Limited (WARRRL), a not-for-profit organisation created to set up and run Containers for Change. WARRRL is responsible for day-to-day operations of the scheme and ensuring manufacturers fulfil their product stewardship responsibilities.

As part of the update, the register of interest to participate in the collection network has closed. The register has assisted WARRRL to frame the procurement process in establishing the collection network.

Consumer information will be available on the Containers for Change website. This website will be updated and expanded by WARRRL in the coming weeks.


View the updated DWER Container Deposit Scheme website here >

View the WARRRL website here >

View the Containers for Change website here >


The National Retail Association continues to provide advice and input on behalf of retailers in our role on the WA Container Deposit Scheme advisory group.

Retailers interested in becoming a collection point, or seeking more information, should contact the NRA Policy team at