Aunts Give Us Lesson Team Work

Like many animals, people are wired to work in teams. Regardless of personality type or personal preference, our brains thrive when given the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other people. The key to generating successful outcomes is knowing how to help teams reach their full potential.

The NRA Training team has developed Team Building Workshops that can help you strengthen and build your work team.

Just some of the content covered in our workshops include:

  • Different models about team development such as the “Forming Storming Norming Performing” theory and the Situational Leadership model.
  • Meta-memory – One of the most powerful skills of close teams is their ability to share memory. With meta-memory, rather than every person needing to know everything, every person on a team knows who has what information and they can rely on that network of knowledge to accomplish goals. Strengthen your team’s meta-memory by encouraging members to talk about their individual expertise.
  • Different styles – Extroverts are often the stars of teams because they thrive in group environments and tend to contribute more. However, if you structure your team around meetings and constant collaboration, you’ll miss out on some of the best ideas from introverts whose brains are wired to perform their best when they work alone.

To ensure that everyone on your team contributes, put systems in place where they can share their ideas and collaborate through a variety of mediums.

If you would like to find out more about our Team Building Workshops, please contact NRA Director of Training,  Yvonne at